“Partisan propaganda”—MN Attorney General Keith Ellison responds to “The Fall of Minneapolis”
During an interview with radio host Scott Hennen, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison declared that The Fall of Minneapolis documentary is “partisan propaganda.” Ellison’s comments aired on the “What’s on Your Mind” radio show on December 12, 2023.
Normally, such criticism should seem harsh and damaging. However, Ellison’s remarks have since bolstered support for the documentary. That’s because Ellison said, “I have not seen it”—but then offered his remarks nevertheless. Many online commentators have since pointed out that Ellison’s remarks only further evidence the kind of lies, mistruths, and manipulations that were portrayed in the documentary.
Keith Ellison holding a copy of the book Antifa: The Anti-Facist Handbook. Source: Alpha News.
Similarly, in 2018, Ellison posted a tweet of himself holding a copy of the book Antifa: The Anti-Facist Handbook. After receiving almost immediate backlash and deleting the tweet, Ellison claimed through a spokesperson that he had “not read the book.”
Related Listening
Ellison’s remarks about The Fall of Minneapolis.
Scott Hennen’s interview with Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison on the “What’s on Your Mind” show on WZFG, The Flag (Ellison’s remarks about The Fall of Minneapolis begin at 55:40).